Monday, April 11, 2005
A Poem for the Insomniacs
You don't know this yet but
There's a tiny window into my soul
I wait for you to climb in and sit with me
I watch you through the crack in my wall
But you never get here
You stumble and fall
You get waylaid
Sometimes even lost
I wonder when will it be my turn
When do I get to be the one
There's a tiny window into my soul
I wait for you to climb in and sit with me
I watch you through the crack in my wall
But you never get here
You stumble and fall
You get waylaid
Sometimes even lost
I wonder when will it be my turn
When do I get to be the one
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Wrong Audrey dude. Besides you wouldn't have DUDS without Katesh you poices. Stop nagging her, she's got bigger, fresher and hotter fish to fry.
Listen up, kiddies. The fish that I am frying will become apparent soon enough. Why don't you just accept the fact that I have a migraine. Thank God I have my alter ego Audrey to defend my honour. Please, stop swearing at the problem.
As for dusawatch, I repeat for the umpteenth time II would not defame myself, darling.
All Audreys are used to being vilified for the way they choose to live... I shall survive this, as I have survived other attacks!
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As for dusawatch, I repeat for the umpteenth time II would not defame myself, darling.
All Audreys are used to being vilified for the way they choose to live... I shall survive this, as I have survived other attacks!
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