Friday, March 31, 2006


What is this Nick?

What is this house?
A shoebox lined with dust.
What is this sleep?
A holding pattern spiralling into London.
What is this garden?
A tree that might fall.
What is this earth?
A pond frozen over, where a fat child skates.
What is this cigarette?
Two gloved lovers holding hands.
What is this ring?
The water pearl on a nasturtium leaf.
What is this dust?

The wind that blows itself away.

Monday, March 13, 2006


Still forest of the light
stakes in the sand
of a dark beach.

Carry these handfuls
of seawater to
a safer place.

They were scooped from
the ocean and now they
are ready to be returned.

While the fires burn
and the possibility
of new life flickers.

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